Friday Photo Tip | Faceless

We all do it — “Look at the camera!”, “Say cheese!”, “Look at Mommy and you can have a treat!” (I’m not the only one bribing my kids, right?) We LOVE photos of our kid’s beautiful faces! They’re cute, emotive, and we want to remember them as they are now. But this week for my Friday Photo Tip, I’m here to encourage you to try capturing that memory, that emotion, the cuteness with a faceless image.

Faceless images can be powerful. They force the viewer to look at the details. The hands, the scene, sandy toes, or messy curls. They are enticing, unusual, and a tad mysterious. And we all know, kids don’t always want to look at the camera anyway!

To keep an image faceless try shooting from above or behind, intentionally cropping their face out of the frame (try not to crop at any joints though!), or just keep your subjects face in the shadows. Experiment until you find an angle you like and go with it! Happy shooting!

Toddler daughter looking at Mom's pregnant belly and holding hands
Drone image of couple showing shadow of them holding hands
toddler boy holding up white ball pit ball

Friday Photo Tip | Overcast


Jay & Jessica | Waikiki